We are excited to announce that for the third year in a row UAP, Inc. has earned GuideStar‘s Platinum Seal of Transparency!
For over 12 years, UAP has been facilitating legal support for our Nation’s Warriors who have been wrongfully accused or convicted of “War Crimes” or who have faced Courts Martial which have been improperly impacted by undue command influence, and providing transitional assistance.
With the help of people like you, UAP funds our Nation’s Warriors ability to receive:
- The best legal defense;
- Stipends while incarcerated to help with family needs, books, stamps, magazine subscriptions, education when VA benefits are lost, etc…;
- Visitation from loved ones while incarcerated; and
- Upon release, transition assistance to include PTSD treatment, counseling, employment assistance, health care, legal support, etc…
Visit our GuideStar profile to learn more about our mission, programs and results, goals and strategies, financials and more!
To learn more about UAP’s impact through our nonprofit profile here: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/41-2172043