Fellow Patriots,
Thank you for your ongoing support of UAP – today we are celebrating Giving Tuesday.
This Giving Tuesday, United American Patriots is committed to raising $10,000 for our Warriors.
Because of you, this has been a record year:
- Army 1LT Clint Lorance Pardoned by the President
- Army MAJ Matt Golsteyn Pardoned by the President
- Army 1LT Michael Behenna Pardoned by the President
- Army SGT Derrick Miller Paroled – Working on Capitol Hill
- Army 1SG John Hatley Paroled – Awaiting release
- Army SPC Alan Moser Discharge upgraded
- Navy SEAL 1st Class Dan D’Ambrosio Charges Dismissed
- Navy SEAL Chief Xavier Silva Charges Dismissed
- Navy SEAL Chief David Swarts Charges Dismissed
- Navy SEAL LT Jason Webb Charges Dismissed
- Navy SEAL LT Jacob Portier Charges Dismissed
But as we celebrate the successes of these Warriors, I can’t help but think of the others still
waiting for good news.
Today, we would like to dedicate Giving Tuesday to 1SG John Hatley.
1SG Hatley still sits at Leavenworth, waiting for his release date. Although he was granted
parole in October, his release date is set for OCTOBER 2020.
We have seen what happens when our community comes together behind a Warrior.
Join the generosity movement this Giving Tuesday and donate.
Thanks for your continued support.
Elizabeth Brown
Director of Operations